Certifications are a topic that are sure to come up during everyone's career in the IT industry. Whether you are a rookie looking to break into the industry or a veteran who is looking to move into a different type of role, the possibility of getting a certification will weigh heavily in your decision making … Continue reading Are IT certifications worth it?
Author: Adam Fisher
Contrasting the HCI Landscape
Now that 2018 is coming to a close, it is interesting to look back and see that lots of trends in data center technology are becoming more mainstream. Cloud adoption is ramping up, Kubernetes is bringing containers to the enterprise, and hybrid cloud looks like the blueprint many organizations will be adopting for the future. … Continue reading Contrasting the HCI Landscape
Veeam compatibility with vSphere 6.7 U1
With any new updates to vSphere, there are always a flurry of announcements about all of the shiny new vSphere features. This can understandably lead to many customers rushing to upgrade and take advantage of the latest features. Most seasoned IT professionals tend to err on the side of caution, and either wait for a … Continue reading Veeam compatibility with vSphere 6.7 U1
Hammerspace – Unstructured Data Anywhere
HammerSpace announced the release of their Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) platform at Tech Field Day 17. They bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and innovation to the world of unstructured data. Their goal is to provide access to unstructured data everywhere, regardless of which data center or cloud the data is stored in. HammerSpace believes that "you … Continue reading Hammerspace – Unstructured Data Anywhere
Protection for your backup data from Dell EMC Cyber Recovery
Tech Field Day 17 brought a presentation from Dell EMC Protect on a new solution for protecting backup data, Dell EMC Cyber Recovery 18.1. Security is top of mind these days, with big attacks making national headlines. Usually only a matter of weeks go by before the next ransomware attack hits the airwaves, and stories … Continue reading Protection for your backup data from Dell EMC Cyber Recovery
Tech Field Day 17 – The AI Brings It All Together
Last week I attended Tech Field Day for the first time. Well, to be clear on that it was my first FULL Tech Field Day experience. I previously attended Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld earlier in the year, so maybe I already had half a notch on my belt. For those of you who don't … Continue reading Tech Field Day 17 – The AI Brings It All Together
When you come to a fork in the road…take it!
"Someone may pull you aside and ask you about your interest in the open SA position." My boss quietly dropped that bomb on me during a team dinner one night after an AWS training event. Up until that point, I had been enjoying my time outside of work hanging out and joking around with my … Continue reading When you come to a fork in the road…take it!
VMworld 2018 REMIX
As I mentioned in my previous post recapping VMworld 2018, there was nowhere near enough time to complete my entire checklist for the week. I succeeded at most of it, but definitely let a few things slip through the cracks. That tends to happen when you mix a good bit of planning with many go-with-the-flow … Continue reading VMworld 2018 REMIX
VMworld 2018 Recap
It's been a week since I've returned from VMworld and I am finally getting to wrapping my head around everything that took place last week. It was an exciting and hectic week, with lots of announcements and even more networking. As I mentioned in my previous Tech Field Day Extra post, I had originally planned … Continue reading VMworld 2018 Recap
Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld 2018 – Dell EMC Protect
In my pre-VMworld post last weekend, I mentioned that I was invited to participate in a discussion panel at Tech Field Day Extra. I had the pleasure of joining the panel Tuesday morning for a presentation by Dell EMC Protect. Before I jump right into the recap, I want to give a little back story. I … Continue reading Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld 2018 – Dell EMC Protect