What is an External Repository? Veeam External Repositories provide a means of integrating Veeam with N2WS. But what is an external repository? It's really quite simple. If I may, I'd like to point you to my previous post on which I detailed the steps to configure/enable the Copy to S3 feature of N2WS version 2.4. … Continue reading Veeam/N2WS – Using External Repositories
Category: CLOUD
Veeam/N2WS – Introducing Copy to S3
Over the next few posts (I'm not sure how many it'll end up being), I want to explore the developing integration of N2WS version 2.4 and Veeam 9.5 Update 4. As you may know, N2WS Cloud Protection Manager is a, but I'll say "the" leader in regards to data protection of AWS resources as it … Continue reading Veeam/N2WS – Introducing Copy to S3
Deploying FlexApp Packages To/From AWS S3 using ProfileUnity 6.8
As you may very well know, one of the new features of ProfileUnity 6.8, is the ability to save and host FlexApp application packages on object-based cloud storage including AWS S3, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Perhaps this points to a measure of shortsightedness on my part, but this is the feature I was most … Continue reading Deploying FlexApp Packages To/From AWS S3 using ProfileUnity 6.8
No ProfileUnity License Server defined after 6.8 Upgrade
After recently completing a ProfileUnity 6.7 to 6.8 upgrade, I received a login message within AWS WorkSpaces that stated, "No ProfileUnity License server defined. Please contact your system administrator." This message, to me, seems expected at some level as the licensing file I obtained from Liquidware for version 6.7 was to be replaced with a … Continue reading No ProfileUnity License Server defined after 6.8 Upgrade
Updating the ProfileUnity Client for Cloud-based Desktops
Just today, I was working on a ProfileUnity 6.7 to 6.8 upgrade so as to use AWS S3 for FlexApp packages. Updating the ProfileUnity Management and FlexApp Packaging consoles was pretty easy and straightforward, but I wasn't exactly sure how to update the ProfileUnity client on deployed AWS WorkSpaces. Originally, the client was deployed to … Continue reading Updating the ProfileUnity Client for Cloud-based Desktops
“Errno13 Permission Denied” After Upgrading N2WS to Version 2.4
Recently, I performed an upgrade from N2WS Cloud Protection Manager 2.3 to 2.4. Though I didn't have any issues during the upgrade AND my backups continued to be successful afterward, I received an error when trying to perform an AWS permissions check though the N2WS GUI, specifically, my N2WS instance did not appear to have … Continue reading “Errno13 Permission Denied” After Upgrading N2WS to Version 2.4
AWS re:Invent 2018 Recap Webinar
Hey everybody! Just a quick note to invite you to an AWS re:Invent 2018 recap webinar I'll be doing with representatives from Veeam/N2WS and St. John's University on Thursday, December 20th.
AWS re:Invent – The Ultimate Team Building Experience?
Though it's not officially over at the time of my writing, AWS re:Invent 2018 has ended for me. As you might expect, it's been a pretty hectic week filled with keynotes, sessions, chalk talks, expo floor excursions, hunting for the Ms. PacMan arcade game, rarely finding a chair to sit on in the certification lounge, … Continue reading AWS re:Invent – The Ultimate Team Building Experience?
10 Cool Things you can do with Cloud Protection Manager from N2WS
If you're a regular reader of VirtualBonzo, you know that my co-blogger Adam Fisher (or maybe it would be more accurate to say I'm his co-blogger since he started the site) is a superstar! A tremendous blogger, a recently promoted Solutions Architect, a Tech Field Day Delegate, a drummer, and generally speaking, an all-around good … Continue reading 10 Cool Things you can do with Cloud Protection Manager from N2WS
AWS WorkSpaces – Deploying Applications using Liquidware FlexApp
At this point in the AWS WorkSpaces series, I have created my own image bundle, deployed and tested AD-joined WorkSpaces, and have setup Liquidware ProfileUnity to save user settings. Now, I want to add applications to my WorkSpace BUT without actually installing them onto my WorkSpace. How can one add an application to a machine … Continue reading AWS WorkSpaces – Deploying Applications using Liquidware FlexApp