As I'm sure many of you are, I've been working on ways to effectively harness the power of the cloud. One idea I decided to pursue was integrating an AWS Tape Gateway with an on-prem Veeam infrastructure in order to move my archived backup data from my local datacenter to AWS S3 storage. Now, I'll … Continue reading Part 1 – Veeam and AWS Tape Gateway Integration – Deploying the Tape Gateway
Tag: cloud computing
AWS – Error Importing Certificate Private Key
In order to use AWS application load balancers for HTTPS traffic, you'll need to import your certificate into AWS using the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). My certificate was originally installed onto a Windows IIS server and was exported as a PFX file. Naturally this is not the right format for importing into ACM so this … Continue reading AWS – Error Importing Certificate Private Key
“Converting” an Existing EC2 Instance to an Elastic GPU
For some time, I have been running an AWS EC2 G2.2xlarge instance to keep from buying a laptop to run Photoshop. With the introduction of Elastic GPUs, I was interested in "converting" that VM to a T2.large instance with an eg1.large Elastic GPU that I believe should save me about $.40 per hour of operation. … Continue reading “Converting” an Existing EC2 Instance to an Elastic GPU