In order to use AWS application load balancers for HTTPS traffic, you'll need to import your certificate into AWS using the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). My certificate was originally installed onto a Windows IIS server and was exported as a PFX file. Naturally this is not the right format for importing into ACM so this … Continue reading AWS – Error Importing Certificate Private Key
Tag: cloud computing
“Converting” an Existing EC2 Instance to an Elastic GPU
For some time, I have been running an AWS EC2 G2.2xlarge instance to keep from buying a laptop to run Photoshop. With the introduction of Elastic GPUs, I was interested in "converting" that VM to a T2.large instance with an eg1.large Elastic GPU that I believe should save me about $.40 per hour of operation. … Continue reading “Converting” an Existing EC2 Instance to an Elastic GPU